Dear Connie,

Your articles are so well written and edited that I find myself photocopying and sending several a month to friends that have little interest in silver but great interest in peripheral subjects discussed in the article. So off went a copy of ""Navy Ships'' Presentation Silver, The Myths and the Mysteries."" In a Christmas letter from this friend who was born and raised in Marblelehead, Massachusetts, I received this note:

'Interesting about the USS Marblehead. It was, of course, an error in the article to refer to M''head ME as the name source. Little old M''head, MA, is the only town ever to have a cruiser named for it, as they are traditionally named only for major cities. It was so honored because of its status as the birthplace of the U.S. Navy. The first ship of the navy, in the Revolutionary War, was the Hannah, built in Marblehead and manned entirely by Marbleheaders. If you ever have the need to use that information in conversation, the accepted pronunciation is ''MahbullHEAD,'' not MARblehead, as some would have you believe' " ......

-Taken from a letter written to Ms. Connie McNally, Editor of Silver Magazine, by Mr. Dick Lewis of Reinholds, Pennsylvania.

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